Saturday, June 28, 2014

Plans for Summer of 2014

What do you get when you mix 2 parents who love to travel, six kids, and a minivan
( we call her Silly Sally)?

A fun summer, that's what!

We lived in Ohio until almost 3 years ago when we moved to sunny South Florida, which made it a lot easier to cruise (another fun way of vacationing for our family), although we did travel quite a bit when we lived in Ohio as well.  We've traveled a lot as a family and made great memories, but all we have to remember are our memories and some photos.  So we've decided to start this blog and record our travels, starting this summer, so feel free to keep on reading and follow along on our vacations.

Now, for some proper introduction...

Father; early 40's, classic Asian nerd
Mother; late 30's, fun-loving housewife
My 10yr old Quadruplet Brothers; in order of birth are:
#1, most eager to help
#2, the one mistaken as my twin
#3, the gentle one
#4, former "baby" of the bunch
 My Baby Brother; 2 1/2, current baby of the bunch and resident cutie patootie

and last but lot least...

Me: your narrator, 12 year old who loves to draw and do Olympic Math for fun!  ha ha


The Plan

School was out June 5th for the Zeng children, and on the 9th, the Zeng family all piled in Silly Sally and made their way Pennsylvania to visit the grandparents on Mother's side.

The View
We stayed there a few days and enjoyed the great outdoors by exploring the woods and having a nice break from the WiFi, which apparently we are addicted to.  Soon after, we took a quick trip with the grandparents to Canada to visit Niagara Falls, which looked amazing from the Skylon Tower where we ate our dinner.

The next day, it rained a bit the second day we were there and we got split up at one point because we had to walk everywhere, but it was still a very fun experience. We then went to Indiana and briefly visited our cousins, aunt, and uncle (on Father's side) before heading to Chicago.  It was definitely a cool experience walking through the city, which was pretty huge.  There were so many skyscrapers, more than I've seen at once, and they were all so tall, but none could compare to the The Signature Room on the 95th where we ate our lunch.  The view was even more delicious than the food.  It was definitely a great experience.
After that, we left for Ohio to visit even more family (my aunt and grandpa from Father's side), where I went to a math and science camp for five days at Denison University.  It was an all girls camp with fun activities that taught me a lot, although I did miss some fun activities that was going on with my brothers.  While I was gone, the rest of my family killed time bowling and spending time at the Columbus Zoo.  Then we returned to Pennsylvania and Mother and Father went to Mother's friend's wedding.  I had a lot of time reading and blew through a lot of books while my brothers made slingshots, played in the woods surrounding my grandparents'  and even convinced me to join in on the fun!

Now it's time for the real road-trip fun!


Beautiful Colorado Scenery
We began our long journey to the West Coast, stopping at Missouri and Colorado.  Colorado was absolutely stunning.  The landscape was extremely different from flat Florida, unfortunately, I couldn't really capture the greatness of it in the photos.

However, our ultimate destination was Las Vegas, where we are now.  We got in at approximately 12'o clock and drove up and down The Strip.  It was amazingly bright and flashy, just as I expected.  The next day we had some down time to relax and recuperate from the 3 day drive.  We did do some grocery shopping and had lunch at an amazing, authentic Korean restaurant (did I mention my mom is Korean?)

Now, the second full day here, we went to Hoover Dam.  It was extremely hot, but it wasn't humid so we could deal with it.  We went on a tour and learned some interesting new facts, which helped me appreciate the Hoover Dam even more.  We stayed for a decent amount of time before heading back and the brothers and Father chilled at the pool while Mother took me out with her to do some more grocery shopping.

Our plan is to leave Vegas in 6 days to fly visit the Islands of Hawaii. We will be
island hopping from Oahu, to Maui, then onto Kauai and back to Oahu to finish our island trip.