Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Black Dragon Pool

Today, Father decided that we should take it easy, so we went to take a small hike to the Black Dragon Pool.

On the way up
The drive to the trail was a little over an hour, and I enjoyed a quick nap on the way there.  It was drizzling a little today, so Mother was hesitant to go, but there wan't anything else to do in the surrounding area, so we just decided to chance it on the trail.  Father bought the tickets and we quickly began to walk on the trail.

It was a bit foggy, but the scenery was still beautiful.  Surprisingly enough, the Baby actually wanted to walk today!  This kinda took a load of Mother and Father, especially Mother whose whole body ached since she was the one who would usually carry the Baby.  Except today, Father wanted to carry the Baby most of the day.

Brother #2 in between the Dragon Cut Rock
The English wasn't the best
The weather was very muggy and it drizzled on and off for the first half of the hike, but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle.  It was a 2.5 mile walk to and from, so we walked a total of 5 miles, and each mile took about an hour since we were moving so slow.

Peeking into the Black Dragon Pool
Once we reached the Black Dragon Pool, we got to ride in small inflatable boats to get a closer look. After that, we continued to the Black Dragon Temple before coming back down.

Family photo at the top
While walking down, Brother #4 went ahead of us by a lot.  Mother and Father were growing worried, so they told the rest of us to go ahead and find him.  But we couldn't, and that made Mother and Father even more worried and angry.  Once we reached the bottom and got to the car, we saw that he was waiting there all along.

On the way down
The rest of us piled into the car and relaxed for the long drive home.

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