Monday, July 6, 2015

Lama Temple in the heart of the Beijing

Mother hasn't been feeling good lately, although that doesn't stop us form having fun!  We went out to the Lama Temple without Mother and the baby. Father was very happy about not having to carry the Baby around.  

We left the condo a little late in the morning and took the subway to the Lama Temple, the biggest Tibetan Buddhist temple outside of Tibet, leaving Mother and the Baby behind.  The ride was similar to the one where we went to the Ghost Street since they're very close to each other.  

We got in and got a little split up looking at everything.  Towards the end, we joined back together and did a quick walk through of the whole temple, getting a good look at the sculptures and artifacts.

Brother #1 and 2
Once again, I didn't like the smell of the incense, but it was a lot less intense than the last temple, so I could deal with it..  The temple was very beautiful and you could tell that it was newer, although it was a little smaller than the typical temple.  It was about the size of one Ming Tomb.

There were many sculptures in the temple, all of them ranging in different size.  Some of them were a little taller than Father, while the biggest one there was so big you had to tilt your head all the way back to see the top of it.

Seeing the whole temple took about 2 hours, which was pretty good for us. We left the temple, got some street food, and got on the subway to head home.

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