Sunday, September 25, 2016

Vladivostok, Russia

Honestly, I had never heard of Vladivostok until this cruise, so I didn't know what to expect.

We got there and decided to try to take it on on our own, using the map the ship provided us to navigate the city.  However, the map was definitely not to scale and we ended up getting a little lost and confused.

Despite our inability to find anything, I enjoyed walking around and taking in the different culture.  The locals seemed really excited about our boat coming in, many of them posing in front of the ship for pictures.  Mother and I found this ironic, considering the fact that we were the tourists in this situation.

After walking around, we decided to check out the mall.  We got in our dose of free wifi before walking back.

Ship views
We boarded the ship after a short and uneventful day.  Vladivostok was never a place we had much interest in seeing so that was OK with us.


  1. Wow! Seems awesome :D

  2. this is so informative thanks for sharing this with us!!!
